Thursday, April 12, 2012

Marc-Antoine Muret Born April 12th

Marc-Antoine Muret was borh April 1th, 1526 neear Limoges, France. LGBT historian Robert Aldrich (Who's Who in Gay and Lesbian History: From Antiquity to World War II) wrote that Muret Muret fled Paris to escape charges of sodomy and heresy. Muret lived briefly in Toulouse before he fled to avoid similar charges. This didn't stop the church from leveling charges and he and lover Memmus Fremiot were condemned to death in absentia. Rumors followed though trying to have sex with the sons of various Venetian noblemen didn't engender Muret to them and he moved several times before finally settling down in Rome with the help from Cardinal Ippolito d'Este. A stable environment allowed him a position teaching moral philosophy, law, and rhetoric.

Read more at GLBTQ

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