Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Obama Activists Launch "Legalize Love Bug" In Gay Marriage Battleground States

Tue, October 9, 2012 10:19:05 AM
Obama Activists Launch "Legalize Love Bug" Gay Marriage Battleground State Tour
Luke Montegomery <luke@legalizelove.com>

Contact: Luke Montgomery,  (310) 663-7871 

Obama Activists Launch “Legalize Love Bug” Tour Targeting Four Gay Marriage Ballot Battleground States to Hammer Home President’s Pro-Equal Marriage Position to Voters
Campaigning in VW “Love Bug” Covered in 1,000 “Legalize Love” Obama Bumper Stickers, Gay Couple with LegalizeLoveBug.com to Travel to Maryland, Maine, Minnesota & Washington

Washington, D.C. – October 9, 2012 – Worried that recent tight polling numbers might lead to four more states rejecting equal marriage or adopting a constitutional ban, gay activist couple Luke Montgomery and Eduardo Cisneros are hoping that highlighting President Obama’s support for equal marriage will sway voters in these traditionally blue states. To create an attention-getting and dramatic campaign image, the duo have covered every inch of their 2010 VW Beetle in over 1,000 “Legalize Love” Obama bumper stickers with the “O” in “love” being replaced by the framiliar Obama logo (video & photos at LegalizeLoveBug.com ). They set out on a 2,400 mile cross-country journey from their L.A. home to campaign on the ground in Maryland, Maine, Minnesota and Washington ahead of the November 6 votes. While in each state the activists will be clad in blue “Legalize Love” T-shirts and registering voters, passing out free “Legalize Love” bumper stickers, wristbands and T-shirts and holding press conferences geared at drawing print, radio and TV coverage to the President’s pro-equal marriage position.

“These are blue states that are voting for Obama and the ‘Legalize Love Bug’ will help make sure that the President’s support for equal marriage is heard loud and clear so they also vote for equality.” said Eduardo Cisneros. “Because of a tight national race, the President might not be able to hammer home his support for gay marriage so we are stepping in to make sure that message gets out no matter what.”

“Obama has been a game-changer on this issue and we’re campaigning our hearts out because we believe that the President is the secret weapon to move and inspire voters,” adds Luke Montgomery. “We want to get people involved with the campaign at LegalizeLoveBug.com so they can be a part of making marriage equality history in this election.”

Activists are also rallying support for the cause Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr and via an online campaign video on the LegalizeLoveBug.com website. T-shirts reading “Legalize Love” are being offered on the site starting at $9.99, along with bumper stickers and wristbands. The campaign store also has wristbands, tank tops, buttons and hoodies to help get the word out and show support for this grassroots movement.
During the trans-red state journey in a car that might serve as a lightning rod for homophobia, the couple has been harassed, threatened and called “faggots” but also has been treated to hundreds of honks and “thumbs-up” gestures of support. The enthusiastic reaction from people who see the “Legalize Love Bug” in person is documented in their online campaign video attempting to get one million Facebook “Likes” to say “thumbs up” to Obama for supporting marriage equality.

Luke Montgomery adds, “For us this isn’t politics, it’s personal. We want the right to get married like anybody else. We hope people join us the journey and follow along at LegalizeLoveBug.com.”

Campaign Website: http://LegalizeLoveBug.com

Video can be embedded from Vimeo:https://vimeo.com/50643816

Facebook: http://www.Facebook.com/LegalizeLoveBug
Twitter: http://Twitter.com/LegalizeLoveBug
Tumblr: http://legalizelovebug.tumblr.com

LegalizeLoveBug.com is a project of LegalizeLove.com and is an independent pro-equality movement not affiliated with, endorsed by or sponsored by Obama for America. LegalizeLove.com encourages supporters to get involved with the official Obama 2012 campaign at their websiteBarackObama.com

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